It's time to weave herbs into your everyday life, as you deepen your relationship with nature and connect with herbal cultures around the world in a fulfilling and meaningful way.
It's easy to get overwhelmed when you're stepping into home herbalism. Are you ready to find the resources, lessons, community, and support you need to catch your stride?
Are you ready to take your respect for nature to the next level? Do you want to connect with the plants and build relationships with them, as you weave herbs into every aspect of your life?
Getting into herbs can be overwhelming and intimidating. I get that. I'm here for you.
Are you ready to take your interest in herbs and transform it into a lifestyle?
I’m a certified holistic herbalist, and I got my herbal training from some of the best herbalists out there. I also have a certification in permaculture design.
I love nature, and I'm obsessed with herbs.
I've been teaching about herbs for decades, and in the last few years, I've decided to bring it online for a whole new herbal adventure.
I've been an herbalist for a long time, and I know that you need a few important things in place, so you can deepen your relationship with herbs in a way that's safe for you and respectful of the earth
1. A holistic mindset to help you connect with nature and our world family of herbalists.
2. Rock solid herbal resources so you can build your herbal confidence and rack up some herbal experience.
3. The right support from a community of herbalists who loves the plants as much as you do!
That’s exactly why I’ve created Wild Dandelion!
To create a safe space for you to connect with the plants, become inspired, and build your herbal confidence... so you can weave herbs into your everyday life!
working with herbs to support the lasting improvement of all human lives, as we deepen our relationship with a healthy and abundant planet.
the secret to creating your own home apothecary filled with powerful herbs you know how to work with
Inside, you'll find…
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