The Palestinian people are asking us to:
* demand a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza strip and the West Bank.
* demand human rights for all Palestinian people
* talk to people in real life about Palestine
This article is an exploration of what we can do as herbalists to support human rights for all Palestinian people.
* Palestinian history & culture
* Human rights & humanitarian law
* the history of Zionism
* US policy relating to the occupation
* stay prepared for a two-week global spending strike
* keep your ear to the ground for a call to action
* network & activate
* the realities of the genocide and the occupation
* human right & humanitarian law
* AIPAC, US policy, & US military involvement
* the history of Zionism
* Palestinian history & culture
* US suspension of funding to UNRWA
* what everyday people can do to support human rights
* follow Palestinian content creators
* amplify Palestinian voices
* frame what you see in a lens of human rights and humanitarian law
* weave Palestinian topics into your content, organically
*share relevant hashtags
addresses and phone numbers listed below
* demand human rights
* spread awareness
* build community
How to:
*express yourself
*leverage your influence
This is a chance for you to really present your thoughts and feelings in a focused way.
Some addresses are listed at the end of this article.
Here are some places you might want to send letters:
* collect
* sign
* share
Some Palestinian movies to consider:
some books by Palestinian authors:
Create your own version of these action items or copy and share these 60+ ways to support human rights in Palestine every day.
Important note: always do your own research before you decide where to contribute.
Grassroots initiatives:
international aid efforts in Gaza:
action items:
* buy products made in Palestine to stimulate the economy
* be aware of products that support the occupation, and choose wisely
As holistic thinkers, we know that our apothecaries connect us to ecosystems, cultures, and communities around the world. Every culture in history has had a connection with nature and with the plants. Holistic home herbalism acknowledges and supports every culture's relationship to the land and every individual person's right to peace and freedom. We know that human rights apply to everyone, everywhere, all the time, no matter what.